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Welcome to my Everquest website!
This site describes my adventures in Everquest. Gives you background about my characters Provides links to other Everquest sites.
All my active characters are guilded in Dark Legion on the Povar Server
The single MOST important thing one can hope to acquire while playing in Everquest is not items or levels, but friends! Without friends why not just log off and go play your PS/2 by yourself. With friends come happy memories and shared adventures, thats why I play Everquest.
Why do you play EQ?
My most memorable time spent in Everquest?
Was when I was level 18 and my best in-game friend was level 17, we spent one whole night camping the ogre guards in Najena trying to get 2 full sets of large bronze for ourselves. We had many great battles and a few VERY close calls. I can remember now that most of the night we were both under 50 percent health and had no healer with us. Things were really very hairy. We would usually get down to as low as 10 percent health before a battle ended. At times I just knew we were goners, but back to back we stood and together we triumphed. That day was the single MOST fun I have had in-game EVER. I hold that memory very dear. My friend no longer plays EQ, he has been gone for over 6 months now. I am now level 50 and have been involved in many multi-group raids. But that one day with a single buddy fighting together as "noobs" will always be remembered. I still talk to my friend often via email and we remember the "Glory Days". It's just a game, you will often here people say this but the friends and memories you bring away with you from this game are VERY real. Remember that the next time your online.
Rhek Dizplace - Ogre Warrior
Rhek Dizplace - Maximum Meatshield
Rhek is my main character in Everquest. I have many alternate characters, but he is my favorite.
Rhek's Equipment
When I went about creating Rhek, my goal was to have a Warrior who could function on a raid in the role of Main Tank. This role is the character responsible for engaging the targeted creature and holding it's attention while others damage it. Since the Main Tank is the focus, he is the only one who should be getting hit by the targeted creature. His job is to take damage. To do this effectively you need several things ...
High Armor Class Rating Massive amounts of Hit Points
Ability to generate and maintain Aggro
Warriors with good armor usually have the best Armor Class Rating
Ogres tend to have naturally high Stamina, which gives them large amounts of Hit Points
And the proper weapons will allow a warrior to generate and maintain the creatures hate (Aggro)
To get Rhek to where I want him statwise, I concentrated his armor selection in this order -
High AC items
Items which give RAW Hit Points
Items which boost his Stamina Rating
Items which give him Strength
Items which boost his Resistances
Items which boost any other melee stat (DEX, AGI)
My goal is to get him to level 60, lots of work ahead but looking forward to it.